The Latest ESOP Partners News

Sponsor, Exhibit and Speak at NCEO 2022 Employee Ownership Conference

Written by Aaron Juckett, CPA, CPC, QPA, QKA | Thu, Apr 07, 2022

ESOP Partners is proud to be a Sponsor,  Exhibitor and Speaker at NCEO's 2022 Employee Ownership Conference being held April 26-28 at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle, WA. 

Come back together and experience the ESOP community live

Hosted by the National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO), this conference provides an educational experience that will allow attendees to learn technical skills, create new ideas in expert-led sessions, and learn from peers through our extensive networking opportunities. The Annual Conference is where 1,800+ employee-owners, thought leaders, and service providers from across the globe meet, share ideas, learn, and collaborate to drive innovation in the employee ownership community. Come and experience never-before-experienced peer networking opportunities. 

ESOP Partners' Attendees and Presentations


“How to Utilize Employee Ownership to Recruit, Hire, and Retain Employees"

This session will cover the following topics:
- Marketing employee ownership in the marketplace
- Onboarding employees with an employee ownership message
- Educating employee-owners throughout their career life cycle
- Sustaining the employee ownership message

Tuesday, April 26, 11:15 am - 12:15 pm PDT  
Co-presented by Jason Wellman, Director, Ownership Culture 


“We Did What?! Correcting Plan Failures"

The learning objectives of this session include:

- Building awareness of the various IRS and DOL correction programs

- Understanding which correction programs are appropriate for which ESOP failures

- Understanding how to navigate the different correction programs for a successful outcome

Tuesday, April 26, 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm PDT  
Co-presented by Ryan Kuchta, Director, Administration 

Kris Kaul
Sr. Business Consultant 

Melanie Matulonis
Marketing Team Leader 

Eric Strebe
Director, Business Consulting 

Plus, come meet Joe Fonti, the new Managing Director at ESOP Partners! 

Click here to see registration information and agenda details. Contact us today to schedule a time to meet or stop by Booth 119.